Can I Trust You?

With so many types of communication and social media leading the way, I wasn’t surprised that once again I would discover the news of a family member passing away via facebook.  Insensitive right, I know.   However, social media has become a way for so many of us to deal with some of life’s experiences.  We pull from the support of those whom we have come to know virtually.  I get it, but nothing should ever substitute those who we can physically lean on or cry on each other’s shoulder. 

I’ve been in Las Vegas, NV now for almost 5 years and have lost some very important people in my life.   My dad passed away 3 years ago this February 15th and though time is suppose to heal all wounds, I am still patching my heart up.  But each time I suffer another loss, it serves as a reminder.  With the passing of my grandfather (paternal) two days ago, that wound is open just a little.  Not being in the same City let alone State as my family has made me appreciate them even more.  I look forward to the phone calls, the pictures added to their facebook albums, but most of all the face to face visits. 

So here is the part that I hope I can trust you on.  Can I trust you to pick up the phone and call a loved one that you haven’t spoken to in a while?  Can I trust you to forgive that person that may have wronged you?  Can I trust you to be kind to your neighbor?   You never know what they are going through.  Can I trust you to give to someone that may be in need?  The one thing that I have learned, is that I don’t want any regrets.  Each person that has made the transition over the past year, I was given an opportunity to spend some time with them.  My grandfather got to see my children and even play with my youngest son who shares his name this past summer.  The pictures that were taken are priceless.

We have all been blessed with a moment of time called life.  I am trusting you to make the most of it. 

“Building relationships of accountability and trust, with all roads leading to love.” RATL

  • Trust (

3 comments on “Can I Trust You?

  1. I’m so sorry to hear about the passing of your grandfather. I will be praying for you and your family during this time of loss because I know how that feeling. I lost my grandmother a little over 10 years ago to breast cancer. So when you mentioned patching up your heart with the death of your dad I can relate. Even though she passed a long time ago I still get sad when I think of her. I get lost in thoughts about what she would say of if she was her what she would do and it’s painful at times.
    Losing someone that’s close to you is not easy, and I can’t imagine how it must have felt to find out on Facebook. I agree with you that we should do better to communicate with people outside of technology and social sites. So I do try to talk to my family more and you can trust me that I will do better with staying in touch with people.

    • Thank you! My grandfather was the 3rd family member in two weeks. I am blessed to have had the opportunity to spend the time I did with him this summer. He lived 89 years and spent over 50 of those in business. I can only hope to leave that kind of legacy.

  2. Let me start by saying that I’m sorry for your loss. I see that you’ve lost 3 family members in the course of two weeks…although it takes time, I promise you, it will get better. I’m not saying it’ll stop hurting, but I am saying that peace & joy is possible. I know this because for the past 2 years, I’ve lost 3 family members in the course of no more than 3 weeks…it’s not easy & those things cause you to question several things but I admire your strength displayed throughout this storm & to see that you still trust God! I agree that it’s very insensitive to have to find out via Facebook or any social network for that matter…I think it’s sad that we’ve come to a point in life that social networking has almost taken the place of real life. Nobody trusts what they know, only what’s been seen online. I have been trying my best to stay connected to people outside of social networks but it’s almost like trying to journey back after being off course! After reading this, Im gonna try my best to do better with this.

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